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Online mindfulness training

mindfulness training

mindfulness training

This course is about  mindfulness training . Mindfulness is an important factor in life, with which you can achieve a more relaxed, contented and happy life. Mindfulness  promotes deceleration, which is the opposite of the hectic pace and stress that we are usually exposed to in everyday life.

16 weeks of mindfulness training

Your online course for a mindful life

Ulrich Eckardt



I am pleased  to welcome you  .

My name is Ulrich Eckardt. I am a naturopath for psychotherapy, mental trainer, author and one of your trainers here at

This course consists of  16 videos ,  4 meditations  and, as a thank you,  4 vouchers  for reduced-price  coaching  with me.


Briefly about me:
My name is Ulrich Eckardt, I am a naturopath for psychotherapy, coach, mental trainer, author, speaker and hypnotherapist – you can also   call all of these areas and the services behind them as support for people’s personal development .

I do mindfulness training myself every day, have read many books on the subject and give mindfulness training in my practice in Munich. However, since not all interested parties can come to Munich, the idea of ​​online training came about.
My wish is to support other people so that they realize who they are, what the meaning of life is, and the ultimate goal is to be able to live relaxed and worry-free.

I’m really looking forward to your visit and would be happy to welcome you to our community right away.

Your  Ulrich Eckardt

Why mindfulness training? – You want to …

If you answered YES to more than three questions,
then you have come to the right place!
Secure your place in our mindfulness training now

Questions and answers about mindfulness training

In principle, every healthy and adult person can attend this video course.

This question is not easy to answer because it always depends on how good your trainer is on site.
Our course teaches you practically how you can hypnotize other people – and through the live streams in our Facebook group, to which I cordially invite you, you will get all your questions answered live by me.

Mindfulness training offers you the opportunity to change focus in your life – away from stress and hectic pace, towards relaxation and satisfaction. Through this mindful change, you promote your psychological balance and thus also your self-confidence and your physical and mental health. Because it has been proven in many studies that stress can trigger illnesses.

You get access to your course for 365 days – you can watch all the videos and download the eBook. If new course units are added, you will receive them free of charge!
Access to the Facebook group has been replaced by the course’s internal forum. You have access to this as long as you are enrolled in the course

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